What's Hoppening

Social Media Trends in a Pandemic

Written by Stephanie McClung | Sep 3, 2020 4:25:38 PM

Think back to your 2020 New Year’s Resolutions. Did you ever think months from now we’d be here? As quarantine continues, your company may have had to make some tough decisions about marketing spending. The great thing about social media is you can still be thoughtful and engaging, even under current budget constraints. We’ve noticed some shifts in social media since quarantine began, and we hope you’ll apply them to your strategy. 

Even as states and countries start to slowly back up, remember we as a global community are still very much in this, and we hope you’re staying safe & healthy as our definition of “normal” changes everyday. 

Mask up & read on! 

You Should Be Posting, People Are Way More Engaged than Ever

Since shelter-in-place and quarantine began, people around the globe are on their phones and computers more than ever digesting news, sharing updates, or mindlessly scrolling to pass the time. As a brand, you have an opportunity to capture audience segments and engage with your current and potential consumers. Sprout Social reports that since April of this year, engagement across all platforms has increased by 44 points. Broken down further, a brand can anticipate a growth around 7.3 engagements per post per day. 

Have you noticed more engagement with your brand? If you haven’t, here are some tips to boost your online presence. 

Authenticity is Crucial

It’s possible your social media might not have been the largest priority as it balanced with other job tasks. It’s even MORE possible you may have been recycling old posts at some point (we promise we won’t tattle on you). 

As more people are online and engaging with brands and others, having a deliberate and authentic message about how your business is doing will resonate more with your stakeholders. At this point, people are sick of hearing about “uncertain times” or being reassured “we are here for you.” Show them how you’re adapting your business. If you’re located in a state that’s more locked down, what measures are you taking to protect your employees? If you’re in a state starting to open up, what measures are you taking to protect your customers? Be authentic and deliberate, don’t just post to post. 

Tell the Human Story over Products & Services

Let’s be honest: this is a tough time for the economy right now. Even if the market doesn’t fully reflect it, as individuals we are all being more considerate with how and where we spend our money. As a brand, you need to recognize that your customer’s buying journey might be a little longer during this time. Consider in your messaging talking about the people that make up your company and the work they are doing to keep the ship moving. For example, if you specialize in interior design, why not have some of your designers share their favorite rooms in their houses? If you specialize in tourism, why not have some of your team members record a video talking about their favorite vacation? While it may not immediately spark sales, it will create a connection between your brand and your followers. 

Forget Everything You Once Knew About Posting Times

Before COVID, or B.C. as some may refer to it, chances are you had a pretty good plan each week of when the ideal time to post would be. During this time, you can comfortably throw those ideas off the ship and essentially start fresh. What we’ve noticed is the “normal” workday hours have shifted to later in the morning and engagements are happening later into the evening. This is a prime opportunity to test out different posting times and see which ones strike the most engagement. 

Consider Social Issues Thoughtfully Before You Say Something

Social justice issues have been woven into the human story for hundreds of years. The protests around the globe coupled with consumers demanding more from the brands they frequent mean that it might be time for your brand to take a stand. Here at iFrog, we have spoken out against the murder of George Floyd and celebrated Pride Month with our employees . 

Ask your employees and your team before you say anything. Bring in voices that are unlike yours to review the final messaging. As companies present policies on being more diverse, remember to bring other voices to the table to ensure everything you say is inclusive and representative of your firm. Consider your Black employees, your POC employees, and LGBTQ+ team members. Remember, your messaging is for them as much as it is for your external stakeholders. 

This isn’t forever, but it is right now. Here at iFrog, we want to be a partner to give you the solution even in these unprecedented times. 

Contact us today and let’s start our adventure together!