What's Hoppening

Why Dealerships Might Not See Their Own Search Ads: A Strategic Approach to Ad Spend

Written by De'Montray Slacum | Sep 25, 2024 1:02:58 PM

Why Dealerships Might Not See Their Own Search Ads: A Strategic Approach to Ad Spend

If you’ve ever searched for your dealership’s ads while at your location and noticed they don’t appear, you might wonder why. It's tempting to expect your ads to show up instantly in every search, especially when you’re investing in digital marketing. However, not seeing your own search ads is usually by design and, in fact, a best practice in digital advertising.
Here’s why your dealership may not see its own ads—and why that’s a good thing, especially when partnering with iFrog Marketing Solutions.

1. Avoiding Wasted Ad Spend

At iFrog, one of our key goals is to ensure that every marketing dollar works as hard as possible for our dealership partners. One of the reasons you might not see your own search ads is to prevent ad spend from being wasted. Each time you or someone in your dealership clicks on your ad, you’re being charged for that click. Since you’re not a prospective customer, clicking on your own ad does not lead to a conversion. Over time, these clicks add up, draining your ad budget without generating any return.

Search platforms like Google work on a cost-per-click (CPC) model, meaning you pay for every click on your ad. By not showing your ads in-house, platforms can help you maximize your budget for real, potential buyers instead of internal views. At iFrog, we take it a step further by optimizing our ads toward cost-per-acquisition (CPA), ensuring that we only show your ads to potential customers who are more likely to convert and contribute to your bottom line. This focus on CPA, rather than chasing max clicks, means that your marketing spend is efficiently directed toward delivering measurable results.

2. Ad Targeting Excludes Your Location

Many digital ad strategies that iFrog designs include geographic targeting that excludes your dealership’s physical location. Showing ads to employees within your own dealership offers no real value beyond verifying that ads are running, which is why iFrog provides detailed reporting that dealerships can access 24/7 to monitor campaign performance.

Your ad campaigns are optimized to attract external customers, typically those within a specific geographic radius of your dealership. The goal is to reach those who are most likely to buy, not your internal team. In fact, we’ve seen countless instances where employees at dealerships click on top ads just to navigate to the website, leading to wasted clicks that don’t convert. Our advanced targeting ensures that your ads are reaching qualified, high-intent shoppers rather than internal staff.

3. Ad Frequency and Impression Caps

Another factor to consider is how platforms like Google manage ad frequency and impressions. If you or your team frequently search for your dealership’s services but never click on the ads (because you’re just checking if they’re visible), Google’s algorithm recognizes this pattern. To avoid wasted impressions and optimize your ad spend, the algorithm may stop showing ads to users who appear uninterested or unlikely to convert—such as someone searching for their own business.
iFrog leverages frequency capping strategies to ensure your ads are shown to new, prospective customers who are more likely to take meaningful action. Our focus is on maximizing conversions and driving traffic that leads to sales, rather than having your ad impressions wasted on those who aren’t in the market to buy.

4. Budget Considerations and Search Impression Share

Another crucial factor in why you might not be seeing your own ads is related to budget limitations and search impression share. Search impression share represents the percentage of impressions your ad receives compared to the total number of impressions it could potentially get. If your campaign budget is too low, your ads may not be shown as often, causing impression share to be lost due to budget.

At iFrog, we constantly monitor search impression share lost to budget to ensure our clients' ads appear at the most optimal times to reach potential customers. When your campaign is constrained by budget, your ads might not be shown for every relevant search, which could explain why you aren't always seeing your ads when you search. Our team at iFrog helps dealerships strategically allocate their ad spend to maintain a healthy impression share, ensuring that you are reaching the right customers at the right time without unnecessarily overspending.
We also provide budget recommendations based on industry benchmarks and campaign goals, allowing you to achieve better performance and maximize your ad visibility.

5. Maintaining Accurate Reporting

When dealership staff search for their own ads and accidentally click on them, it can distort your performance data. These clicks are not genuine customer interactions and can lead to inaccurate reporting on your ad campaigns. iFrog understands that accurate data is critical to campaign success. We work closely with our partners to ensure clean, actionable data by preventing internal clicks from inflating your results.
With iFrog’s advanced analytics and reporting tools, we help you avoid internal traffic that can skew performance metrics. This enables us to provide transparent insights and make data-driven adjustments to improve your campaigns based on real customer behavior, not internal activity.

6. Focus on Actual Customer Behavior

At iFrog, our digital marketing strategies are designed to target the right audience: real, potential customers who are actively in the market for a vehicle. Search engines like Google are built to optimize for return on investment (ROI), which means showing ads to people who are most likely to take action—like scheduling a test drive, submitting a lead, or making a purchase. If your ads are showing to internal employees or users who have no intention of converting, it’s a sign the campaign isn’t optimized correctly.

By not showing ads to your dealership’s IP address or to users in the local vicinity who aren’t genuine prospects, we ensure that your marketing budget is being used to reach potential buyers. This allows iFrog to drive higher performance, more conversions, and a better return on your investment.

Best Practices for Dealerships Checking Their Ads

If you still want to check on how your ads are appearing in search results, avoid searching directly in Google or Bing. Instead, use tools like Google’s Ad Preview and Diagnosis Tool. This tool allows you to see how your ads appear for various keywords without triggering impressions or clicks. iFrog also provides live reporting dashboards that give you full visibility into your campaign performances, so there’s no need to search for ads manually.

In Conclusion

If your dealership isn't seeing its own ads when searching, that’s often a sign your campaigns are working as intended. At iFrog, we employ strategies that ensure your budget is being spent on reaching actual potential buyers, not internal searches that don’t lead to conversions. Our approach focuses on targeting qualified customers, ensuring that your digital advertising delivers consistent, measurable results. By optimizing for external shoppers, you’ll enjoy better performance, more conversions, and a stronger return on your advertising investment with iFrog Marketing Solutions.